🔮 Unit 3 Overview
How can sounds, images, and fonts can be combined and manipulated with code?
In this unit, students learn about working with media and asynchronicity. They also explore arrays and loops as ways to organize data and iterate through information. The preload function is used to load image, font, and sound files before sketches are run, and callback functions are introduced. In the final project, students combine images, fonts, and sound to create their own random meme generator.
Blueprint Foundations Student Outcomes
ANALYZE - Describe how I might use patterns to express an idea.
Describe different things I tried in order to achieve a goal.
Explain why I chose to include the specific components of my prototype over others.
Explain the characteristics or patterns that informed a function or an interface I created.
COMMUNICATE - Explain why using patterns is necessary when creating with a computer.
ANALYZE - Describe how instructions can have different outputs depending on inputs.
Demonstrate the benefit of using an event, conditional, or loop in my prototype.
Explain how a function I prototyped can be used by someone else.
Suggest changes to an algorithm that impacts my family or my community.
Compare and contrast how conditionals or loops were used in classmates’ prototypes.
Teach someone the difference between instructions and an algorithm.
ANALYZE - Experiment with the commands of a programming language.
Describe the changes I made after testing at least three parts of my program.
Describe how I used community research to make technical decisions in the creation of my prototype.
COMMUNICATE - Discuss what can and cannot be done with a specific set of commands.
Formative Assessments are given during each lesson.
Summative Assessments include:
Wallpaper project
Fortune Teller Project
Machine Learning/Image Array Research
Typography Project
Meme Generator
Overview of Instructional Materials
Below we have broken each learning activity down into succinct lessons. We have also structured lessons to promote best practices in pedagogy and student engagement, as well as including our own suggestions for implementation.
Sequence of Lessons
LA1 - For Loops
U3LA1.1 - While Loops
U3LA1.2 - For Loops I
U3LA 1.3 - For Loops II
U3LA1.4 - Variation in For Loops
U3LA1.5 - Nested For Loops
Mini-project: Wallpaper Design
LA2 - Arrays
U3LA2.1 - Introduction to Arrays
U3LA2.2 - Arrays and floor() function
U3LA2.3 - Arrays and Loops
LA3 - Media
U3LA3.1 - Preload && Images
U3LA3.2 - Images && Arrays
U3LA3.3 - Image Manipulation
Mini-project - Vision Board
LA4 - Typography
U3LA4.1 - Fonts && Text Styling
Mini-project: Kinetic Type
LA5 - Sounds
U3LA5.1 Loading && Finding Sounds
U3LA5.2 Playing sounds & stop/start button
Mini-project - Musical Keyboard
Final Project: Meme Generator
Last updated
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