Project 3: Entertainment/Creative Use

How can I create a use data to create a creative project that prioritizes user interaction?


~25 Days (5 Weeks)

  • 1 Week Ideation/Planning

  • 3 Weeks Project Mode

  • 1 Week Presentations/Wrap Up

NYS Computing Standards

Due to the open-ended nature of projects in this course, they have the chance to cover all of the NYS Computational Thinking Standards. This project may especially highlight:

  • 9-12.CT.9 Systematically test and refine programs using a range of test cases, based on anticipating common errors and user behavior

  • 9-12.CT.10 Collaboratively design and develop a program or computational artifact for a specific audience and create documentation outlining implementation features to inform collaborators and users.

Project Focus Narrative

Project 3 is the final project with a theme dictated by the teacher, but it is also an opportunity for students to let loose as this project is focused on entertainment/creative use. The project could be a game - based on the web, an application, or in the terminal - or an art piece using libraries such as p5.js/ml5.js or Processing for Java or Python.

The main goal of this project is that the output is something that is fun/entertaining for the user to interact with. What direction that takes is entirely up to the students.



Showcase Skills

  • Creative Problem Solving: Demonstrating creativity and innovation in designing and implementing entertaining or interactive experiences.

  • Interactivity: Developing games or interactive experiences using web technologies, application frameworks, or terminal-based interfaces.

  • User Interaction Design: Designing intuitive and engaging user interfaces and interactions to enhance the user experience.

  • Multimedia Integration: Integrating multimedia elements such as graphics, audio, and animations to enrich the entertainment value of the project.

  • Iterative Design: Iterating on the project design and implementation based on user feedback and testing to improve usability and enjoyment.

Project Requirements

  • Creative Concept: Develop a unique and creative concept for the entertainment or creative use project, guided by the theme provided by the teacher.

  • Interactive Experience: Create an interactive experience that engages the user and provides entertainment value, whether through gameplay, exploration, or artistic expression.

  • Technical Implementation: Implement the project using appropriate technologies and frameworks, such as web development tools, application frameworks, or creative coding libraries.

  • User Feedback: Gather feedback from users or peers to iterate on the project design and implementation, improving usability and enjoyment.

  • Accessibility: Consider accessibility features to ensure the project is inclusive and can be enjoyed by users with different abilities or preferences.

  • Performance Optimization: Optimize the project for performance and responsiveness to ensure smooth user interactions and a seamless experience.

Check-Ins and Deliverables


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