Optional Midterm: Project Remix

How can I remix a previous project for continuous improvement?


1 Week

NYS Computing Standards

Due to the open-ended nature of projects in this course, they have the chance to cover all of the NYS Computational Thinking Standards. This project may especially highlight:

  • 9-12.CT.9 Systematically test and refine programs using a range of test cases, based on anticipating common errors and user behavior

Project Focus Narrative

This midterm is optional but encouraged if time allows in the school year. For this project, students will take a project - either one of the past 3 from this year or a project from previous years - and remix it to improve or add at least 3 key elements. Improvements should be noticeable to overall user experience (not simply ‘I changed the text color from blue to black’) and/or functionality of the program.

Students should be able to provide a clear rational for the improvements or additions. Additionally, emphasis should be placed on projects never truly being done - there is room for improvement in everything they will ever create, even if that improvement does not come for several years while their skills (or available technology) catch up.



Showcase Skills

  • Iterative Development: Demonstrating the ability to revisit and improve upon previous projects through iterative development cycles.

  • Critical Analysis: Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of previous projects to identify areas for improvement and enhancement.

  • Problem Solving: Addressing user feedback and implementing solutions to enhance the overall user experience and functionality of the project.

  • Version Control: Utilizing version control tools such as Git and Github to manage project revisions and track changes during the remix process.

  • Documentation: Providing clear documentation of the original project and the rationale behind the chosen improvements or additions.

  • Adaptability: Adapting existing code and design elements to incorporate new features or enhancements while maintaining project coherence and integrity.

  • Self-Reflection: Reflecting on personal growth and skill development by identifying areas for improvement and setting goals for future projects.

Project Requirements

  • Project Selection: Choose a previous project from the current year or from previous years to remix and improve upon.

  • Clear Rationale: Provide a clear rationale for the chosen improvements or additions, explaining how they enhance the overall user experience or functionality of the project.

  • Significant Changes: Make at least three significant improvements or additions to the original project that noticeably enhance its usability, functionality, or aesthetic appeal.

  • User Feedback Integration: Consider incorporating user feedback or observations from the original project to inform the remix process and prioritize improvements.

  • Technical Challenges: Address technical challenges or limitations encountered during the remix process, demonstrating problem-solving skills and adaptability in overcoming obstacles.

  • Version Control: Utilize version control practices to manage project revisions and track changes throughout the remix process, maintaining a clear history of modifications.

  • Quality Assurance: Conduct thorough testing and debugging to ensure the stability, functionality, and usability of the remixed project across different environments and user scenarios.

  • Documentation and Reflection: Document the remix process, including the rationale behind each improvement or addition, challenges faced, and lessons learned. Reflect on personal growth and skill development throughout the project remixing experience.

Check-Ins and Deliverables


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