Guidance for End of Course Buffer Time
We have intentionally included some buffer time at the end of the course; we know so much can come up during any given school year that may set your pacing off. Additionally, we want to be mindful of the fact that this course will mostly be juniors (who are potentially taking many exams at the end of the year) and seniors (who are ready to leave by the end). To that end, while your normal course work may take the duration of the buffer time, if it does not, we suggest taking a deep breath and proceeding with a relaxed approach to any of the following ideas:
Random Phrase Hackathon: put students in pairs/groups and give each a random phrase using an online random phrase generator. It is okay, and encouraged, if these are nonsensical. Ask students to create a project that responds to or reflects that random phrase. (Time duration can last as long as you want/need.)
Revision: give time to revise previous projects for an increased grade.
Remix: take a project - ideally someone else's - and remix it with their own unique spin.
Reflection: ask students to reflect on their experiences and learning over the course of the year, perhaps sharing things that could improve the course for future students.
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