Teacher Notes && Overview
In this lesson, students will be introduced to the usage of loops to iterate through arrays. They will also explore how they can add items to an array using a loop, and practice placing objects into arrays. Iterating through an array is an important concept to know when working on this unit's final project. It would be a good idea for students to share out their solutions to the exercises so that you can clear up any misconceptions.
Students will be able to:
Explain how a loop can be used to iterate through an array
Retrieve information from arrays using for loops
Utilize objects located within an array
Populate an array using a loop
Suggested Duration
2-3 Periods (~45-90 minutes)
NYS Standards
9-12.CT.4 Implement a program using a combination of student-defined and third-party functions to organize the computation.
9-12.CT.7 Design or remix a program that utilizes a data structure to maintain changes to related pieces of data.
9-12.CT.8 Develop a program that effectively uses control structures in order to create a computer program for practical intent, personal expression, or to address a societal issue.
9-12.DL.1 Type proficiently on a keyboard.
9-12.DL.2 Communicate and work collaboratively with others using digital tools to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
Array - an ordered series of data
Index - a position within an array
Zero-Indexed - The first element of an array has an index of 0, not 1
Element - a piece of data in an array
Iterate - go through elements one by one
For loop - loops through a block of code a number of times
Planning Notes && Materials
Use of arrays in Do Now
Learning Activity: iterating through lists with loops
Learning Activity: Using object literals in arrays
Wrap Up: Describe the process of iteration
Random Starfield Micromini Project
Vision Board (Upcoming Mini Project)
Do Now/Warm Up (5 min)
Ask students to create an array and fill it with 5 different colors. Then create 5 ellipses with fills using each element from all 5 indexes.
Check to see if students can create and use arrays. Have students share their solutions with the class. Students should be able to call elements from an array.
Looping with Arrays (~5 - 10 minutes)
Ask a student or two to share their solution - the first thing you'll want to check for is their array, making sure that they added elements correctly, and the second is their code. Ask students if they notice repetition - they should! They are repeating both the fill, with only the number of the element they are calling changing, as well as the ellipse itself.
Can we make this better? We certainly can! We want to repeat the same process with slight changes each time - aka an iteration. That calls for a for loop.
Ensure all students have a working array - for ease, you may want to norm what you all have named the array - and then code along the following for loop in the draw function:
NB: If you haven't covered it yet, i++
is the same as saying i+=1
, or i = i + 1
. This is not essential knowledge if you think it will confuse your students, but it's sure short and easy to write!
Walkthrough this loop with your students once you hit play, focusing on what is happening in each loop. The first time it runs, the fill is going to be whatever color is in index 0 of the array - then index 1 for the next ellipse, etc. The ellipses themselves should form a row 50 units apart because you are multiplying each i value by 0. (First 0*50, then 1*50, then 2*50, etc). The y and sizes stay the same. If needed, adjust values with kids to demonstrate what all the numbers are controlling!
You may also need to spend some time explaining <
. This is making sure that we make it through the entire array, getting to every value, without going past the end of the list.
Now, what students should see is they were once again able to go from a lot of lines of code down to 4 - and that's pretty cool. But we still have some repetition here in sizes - and what if we wanted them to be different sizes? Or what if we wanted them to not be in a row, but be in positions all over the screen?
Objects in Arrays (~10 - 15 minutes)
Back in Unit 2, we discussed that object literals can hold lots of properties to keep us from repeating ourselves with many different variables. That's still true - and we can even put object literals inside of arrays so that we can loop through and access many properties from a single array!
Let's explore that now. We are going to imagine that each object will represent one ellipse. For now, let's give each a color, a y value, and a width and height. We will code one and a half together and then y'all will add another 5 objects to your array!
NB: Notice that we have spread this array to make it easier to read. The square brackets are on different lines as are each object, but they are still separated by commas, as all elements in an array always are, regardless of type.
Following the conventions we set, ask students to add their next five objects to the array, then show them how they would use this new array in the for loop they had in their draw function, like so:
Here, we access the object from the array by using the index value of the object in the array. (That's the newArray[i]
part, which we have seen before!) Now that will get us information about the ENTIRE OBJECT - you can console.log()
the information if you want to see it live - but that won't work to plug into our p5 functions, we need the specific values. So as we've seen before with objects, we call them with the .property notation. So saying: newArray[i].theColor
, would access the value for theColor for the object in index position i. Pretty cool, right?
Now, this allowed us to store a lot of information and loop through a lot of information, but right now our output always looks pretty much the same. And that's fine - but what if I wanted it to be different each time my program was run? What if I wanted to use some random values here? You might be tempted to try changing some of the objects to something like this:
What you'll notice is that while this does get random values, they're doing the flashy thing all over the screen, which isn't always what we want. But if we put the for loop in the setup function (so it only runs once), we will have to move the background, and there is just potential for it to be a whole big thing.
So: how can we make sure that we are able to make objects with random values that maintain those random values?
Generating Objects with Loops (~15 minutes)
The answer is that we need to use a loop to make our objects and populate them into the list before we ever draw with them - and good news is, that's easier than it sounds!
First, we are going to start off with an empty list at the top of our program, before the setup or draw function. (This makes it a GLOBAL variable, which means we can access it in both setup and draw.) Like so:
When we set up an empty list like this, it tells the program that arrayOfObjects
is in fact an array and can do array things - and it basically primes it to be set up like a blank shopping list. In our mind, let's imagine a long, blank list - there are lots of lines, maybe some checkboxes, but nothing is written. That's exactly what this empty array looks like - it's empty and waiting to have things added, but it can be as long as we want! So let's add them in setup()
, using a for loop:
Now, here's what we should be asking (and as a teacher, you should pose these to students first before clarifying):
What exactly is happening on line 6? Well, we made a for loop. It starts at 0, and it is going to run until is 10 or higher, and each time it will increase
by one. Because this loop is adding an object to our array, this means it will add 10 objects to that array. (If you change this number, you can get more/less objects - try it!)What about the whole thing with line 7? So glad you asked - remember how our array is empty? This line is saying that at an empty index value - whichever empty index value
has landed us on in that moment - take it from being empty to set the element of that index value to be this object.Aren't all our objects the same? Not at all! See how we used
in several places in that object? (And you could of course alter how/where the randomness is being used, as you see fit.) It's going to 'reroll' those random values each time, creating new, unique objects.What if I don't trust this process? Pop a
at the end of your setup function, after the for loop, and let's see what we get once the for loop has run. It should be an array of objects - demonstrate how you can click through the arrow levels to display the different objects - each with their own random values for different properties. And if we run the program again, we will get NEW random objects in our array!
So, how would you use these objects that now live in an array?
Great question - if you go back to your draw function, you would make a for loop very much like what you had before to iterate through this new, randomly generated array. It will then draw each ellipse on the screen with properties from the objects, and those objects will change without you ever having to lift a finger.
Check for Understanding: Array of Rect (~10 minutes)
Ask students to randomly generate another array of objects that include properties for rectangles, and then draw the rectangles on the screen.
Micro-Mini Project: Random Starfield (~20 - 45 minutes)
NB: This is a very small project - smaller than the fortune teller! - that also is an extension to the learnings from this lesson. Since it's so small, we've combined it into the lesson.
Now that you know how to populate arrays with random values, we are going to create a random star map - yes, the same thing you see when you look up at the sky at night (provided you're far enough outside the city to avoid light pollution), but this time on your computer.
Create a program that will generate a random star map each time the program is run. Your project must include the following:
Create a new project and change the canvas size to read: createCanvas (
). This will ensure it fills the entire window regardless of the window size!Set a dark background and light colors for your stars.
Create an empty array that you will populate with objects to produce randomly placed stars. The objects must have an x and y, but you can also decide on other properties like color (make them vary slightly from plain white), opacity,
, etc. It's up to you if you draw tiny ellipses or points that you make bigger withstrokeWeight
!Use the now full array of random star objects to draw a star map.
Ask students to post their project links in a forum such as Slack or the Google Classroom. Then, have them view and comment on two other projects, leaving a glow and grow for each
Guiding questions:
Explain how loops and arrays together can make our code more efficient.
How do you populate an array with random values? Why is this useful?
How could you use what you learned today in future projects?
Students can absolutely use this skill to go back and redesign their wallpaper if they are looking for a creative challenge.
In and of itself, the Starmap is not a wildly challenging project after the last lesson, but it sure looks cool. Aim to complete a few of the following extensions:
Make a separate array of randomly generated planets. (Still small, but perhaps slightly larger than the stars, or with varied colors/attributes.)
Create a function that will allow the user to draw to connect constellations.
Add interactivity to some of the stars so when they are touched by the mouse, something happens. (What happens is up to you! Maybe an alien appears? 👽)
Investigate vectors in the p5 reference sheet. This is a special type of p5 object that automatically has an x and y property!
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